Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Getty center

Woman Strolling (French about 1884)
Conte crayon on Michallet paper

the play of light and shade and the woman's slender figure represents the catch of this picture. concept of " irradiation".
the light and dark tone usually enhance each other, to make the picture stands out. although the facial expression was not showing, the mood of the drawing was clearly stated.
Josse van Craesbeek ( Flemish, Antwerp 1645)
the painting was in the 17th century, the peasants scene of drinking, gambling, and smoking. the interesting part about the painting was the main characters in the pictures are women, woman with a pipe at her feet drinks wine and smokes. A seated child playing on the floor. The focus of the light streaming from the window also adds the real life of the painting.

Nicolas Lancret (French, 1730 oil on canvas)
Inn a luxuriant park, with couples performing a dance. Is a party with water fountain and animal. The subject and the painting style is common in the 17th century. These paintings depicted a pastoral landscape peopled by elegant figures strolling, the colors are against the landscape background.

Hendrick Ter Brugghen (Dutch, 1627, oil on canvas)
A Bacchante, the god of wine, squeezing grapes into a golden drinking vessel.
Her posture, which exposed breasts, flushed cheeks, shows her drunken state.
Also an ape on the left hand corner, with the same gesture as the woman, holding a smaller bunch of grapes at the right hand. The light which captures the glow on her face, attracts the viewers attention.

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